Our Thursday

Thursday saw Ben driving to Leominster to meet with Mike Todd (the guy that organized the music event a few weeks ago in which I played country music) and three other musicians. One was Josh Young, another guy who played at the performance I did. I met him briefly at that time, and called him later and talked with him about playing. He does lots of worship-type events for churches etc. The other two were a guitarist and violinist.

After we talked a bit and got all introduced we trucked over to Mike’s church and played for an hour or so. The other guitarist and I were uncannily similar in our playing, although he is more of a jazz/blues guy. He used a Fender Tweed tube amp of some kind and a Strat with nothing in the middle. The violinist was great too – she uses this very, very expensive (she wouldn’t tell me how much exactly) instrument and is attending Berkeley in the fall.

After playing we went to get Thai food. I got some egg rolls and plain rice. We talked about culture differences in the USA and speeding laws/tickets.

Later that evening, Jill and I met with a website client of mine at our favorite sushi place. He was on a business trip in CN and wanted to drive up to meet us. He’s a friendly chap (from the south, so automatically friendlier than most of New England) and was semi-new to sushi, so we tried to indoctrinate him into the sushi way. We talked about jobs, marriage, vacations, web design, culture, etc.

Tomorrow is our sixth anniversary! It’s a three-day weekend, so we have plenty of time to camp, watch movies, hike, read, go out, or whatever we like. Props to Jill for putting up with me for ten years (we started dating ten years ago tomorrow)!

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