Jill’s Turn

Its’ been a while since i blogged. largely due to the fact that everything seems so up in the air these days. I did get into the Simmons program which was really exciting. But, at $930 a credit….classes (3 credits) are not terribly affordable. I missed deadlines for scholarships and didn’t score any financial aid. So, at the moment I am entertaining a lot of possibilities. I’ve sent my resume to lots of places that offer tuition reimbursement at one of their benefits. Also, i’ve applied to some jobs at Simmons because of a sweet tuition waiver that they offer. So far I haven’t heard back from anyone… Then today I had my review at work where they said lots of good things and gave me a nice raise… So, I am trying to be patient and trust in Gods timing and his plan. It is easy for me to worry and want to figure it all out. But, God knows the plan for jill holt…. until then, I’ll just keep roller skating with my husband. What a BLAST we had at Roller Kingdom – skating and lazer tagging 🙂 New pics updated!

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