Ben’s Rig

Every geek takes pride in his personal space. Some are neat and organized, while others are messy; but each one will spend hours getting it “just right”. For those that happen to be a tad bit obsessive compulsive, you may find them agonizing over the way their electrical cords look or making sure things are always at right angles on their desks (you laugh, but I just paused there to make sure my monitor was aligned correctly). Why? Because for a geek, things like the way your desktop looks or which gadgets you have on display or which operating system you use is an extension of who you are.

With this in mind, I spent some time on my “rig” tonight. Some time ago I had an idea for some LED rope lights for my amp. I spent around $25 for them – they’re expensive but look *great*. They came today and I set them up. Then I had a great idea for getting my amp off the ground using my keyboard stand. The end result makes me proud of my “geek corner”! I’m confident this setup will look great at any future gigs, too.

Ben's Rig - Misc Photos

Ben's Rig - Misc Photos

Ben's Rig - Misc Photos

Ben's Rig - Misc Photos

Ben's Rig - Misc Photos

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