Another year older

We had a good flag day here 🙂  I turned 28 and was able to embrace it 🙂 Last year I had a hard time during my birthday with the whole getting older thing. I guess we all have certain ideas/expectations about what a certain age might bring.  For some reason 27 was the age that my brain had decided was the age to start a family.  I guess I had a whole year to work on my contentment and having peace with God’s timing.  This year is also different because for the first time I am super-excited about a career path.  I have already been doing research and reading…and havn’t started classes yet.  I hope to start in the fall, though at URI, not at Simmons because of finances. So, just waiting for something official to arrive in the mail!

So I had a great birthday. It was complete with my dinner at Not Your Average Joes and happy celebrating with our journey group. Thanks all for the birthday wishes! And I hope everyone had a good Flag Day 🙂

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