An Evening in Boston 🙂

Friday night Ben and I went into boston with Ed (my brother-in-law) to see a show at the Regatta Bar. Ed is one of the most generous people we know. He treated us, gave us a ride in, and really put the whole evening together.  The evening began with indian food in Harvard Square, meeting different friends of Ed’s, and catching up with old ones (ryan). After dinner we headed over to the Regatta Bar, which was a pretty classy place!  We got a table in the second row and got to hear Bill Frisell, who I really enjoyed a lot.  To me he was kinda of like Erroll Garner in that he played popular tunes/standsard but did his own jazzy rythms and creative noodling. I havn’t been out to a music venue since in a long time, and it was really fun.

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