Secluded and Sequestered

Jill’s away in San Francisco visiting her brother and sister-in-law with the Murphys. It’s five days. I had some human contact on Saturday for lessons, but the rest of the time I’ve done nothing outside my house! But I like it this way. Here’s some of the stuff I’ve done:

Read (Bible, Stephen King novel, Out of Gas (book about oil shortage), Brother Lawrence biography

Origami – just a bit this evening

Warcraft – A Ben staple

Guitar – recording and practicing (more than usual!)

Ate – bread, cookies, carrots, wine, water, milk, granola (anything readily available)

Website work – for my MOTH site client, for hours today

I did have plans for a friend to come over, and the Harlows invited me for dinner, but it didn’t work out. Honestly, I’m fine for long periods of time without being around people. I’m never really alone anyway. I do miss Jill though!

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