Ben’s Progress

Today was a productive day.  I worked at the school and finished grade exports to CSV files.  I moved about 20 computers that had arrived after unpacking them.  I cleaned up massive amounts of bubble wrap after getting a few staff members to jump on them.

When I got home I transferred the website that I’ve been working on (for pay) to the actual server it will live on.  It’s live now but needs additional testing before it’s advertised to the world.  You can take a sneak peak here and tell me what you think of the design. It’s a site for boys, by the way.

After THAT I sent my client an email saying it was posted, and I got back the following:

Ben, I am so excited I’ve been dancing around over here. Unfortunately I have to leave for the weekend for a family commitment. I will test the hell out of it begining Monday. Thsi is killing me, after all these months I want to jump in right now and start uploading stories and photos and get ourselves in business! AAAACCK!

I don’t think he’ll mind me posting that, it makes me feel great about the work I’ve done over the past few months!

Then I recorded some soloing to an old idea I had created back in January. I got it all done and arranged, then exported it and wrote code for the song page. I remembered that my Flash player on the songs page wasn’t cutting it in IE on silly PeeCees. So I researched some other options and came up with this player, which embeds sound files rather well. After configuring that, it’s now about 2 AM. Please head on over to the song page and test out my teeny button player and see if it works ok on Winbloze 🙂

Jill returns tomorrow from ME, yay. This was a shorter trip than last time though.

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