I Never Knew About Milne

Ben and I have just finished reading “By the Shores of Silver Lake”. We still have several to go in the Prairie series, but are taking a hiatus and reading something new. The winner is….”Winnie the Pooh” by A.A. Milne. I had no idea how enjoyable it would be! I have not laughed so consistently while reading (well, listening) to a book! Seems that every word out of Pooh’s mouth, and in Ben’s very well done voice, is so funny! I liked these lines:

“just a moment,” said Pooh, holding up his paw.
“What do we do to this – what you were saying? You sneezed just as you were going to tell me.”
“I didn’t sneeze.”
“Yes, you did, owl.”
“Excuse me, Pooh, I didn’t. You can’t sneeze without knowing it.”
” Well, you can’t know it without something having been sneezed. ”

and on and on. So, I am really enjoying or new read!! 🙂

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