Jill’s Long Week

What a week it has been. I knew it would be crazy. The whole summer has really been building up to a climax for the last week of school vacation. A climax it certainly was! Becuase I have been a procrastiblogger I need to clump lots of things into this one entry to get cought up. Here goes:

SATURDAY night was the fabulous Stitch N’ Chat Night – Chat doesn’t exactly rhyme… but communicates the name of the event well enough. A fun, casual get-together at Kimberly’s place and each of us were able to begin/continue various crochet/knit projects. I continue to enjoy making bags out of “plarn”, plastic yarn, here’s my new cutie:

target bag

MONDAY & TUESDAY I went to 3 more interviews at various places, still thinking I would not be back at Lighthouse but would take classes while working a part-time job… But, by the end of Tuesday I had not heard back form the jobs I was expecting to so i called up my supervisor at Lighthouse and talked to her. She took a great weight off of me by sharing that Lighthouse will be happy for whatever time I can give them, even if its just a few days. That was great news 🙂 So…

WEDNESDAY I got up early and went to the first staff day at Lighthouse! It was a hard day though because in my mind I still did not know how long I would be there. I’m not a person who can say “good” every time someone asks me how I’m doing. If I’m not-so-good I will say so, and so I shared my situation with some people. Our division also found out that we would be switching supervisors once again. This time it is a guys that I don’t know at all and am quite intimidated by. BUT, I know I have to give it my best shot, and I know he will too, so hopefully it will all work out. It was a letdown though, because the last 2 supervisors I have had were really people I could talk to about anything and who really were a support to me. I had forgotten just how many people at Lighthhouse there are whom I really am comfortable with and can talk honestly with. That’s no small thing.

When I returned home I saw that I still had no emails or voice mails from prospective jobs, and that was frustrating. I was just waiting on them to know what my future would hold!

THURSDAY was much of the same. This time, however, I asked Doug, my former supervisor if I could grab some time with him. We did, and it was only a matter of minutes before my tears came down…but I was so thankful that I could share with him all the stress I had and what I was feeling and going through. Meeting with him was very helpful.

That evening we had plans to hang out with Tony & Shannon and I was looking forward to this. It did mean driving to Framingham, but ever since we got the beetle Ben has actually enjoyed driving. 🙂 We drove and just as we were on the back roads I got a call from one of my prospective employers. Yay! However, he didn’t have the best things to say and when I hung up I just melted again with tears. To top it off we were now lost in Framingham. Dispite Tony and Shannon’s helpful attitude and desire to help us, the evening had a sad ending with us giving up on directions and driving home.

FRIDAY I had given up on the Library job at this new school. The phone conversation from the previous night made me feel like Literary Shoe Scum…so I resolved to go back to Lighthouse and be done with them. I passed the day with a great visit with my friend Elisha and my new friend lucy 🙂

We had lotsa fun. We were friends in elementary school, acquaintances in high school, but now she is a friend with whom I could chat with all day about anything and everything! We saw some fabulous sights while at the mall, and the winner of them all was this:

Funny stuff. Afterwards I spoke once more with the school regarding this Library job. I actually wasn’t going to call them back because I thought it would just be more conversation about how I am not knowledgable about books. So, wasn’t I surprised when they offered me a job!!? VERY surprised. We agreed on communicating the following day about final decisions.

It was a long night in my brain. I couldn’t stop thinking about all of this! I talked to Ben, Barb, Mom & Dad and got various bits of advise and guidance…but it was a decision I had to make by morning…

SATURDAY. Decision made. Email sent. One class dropped. Lighthouse it is for me. I did actually receive a nice email in response and was feeling good about it all. Celebrated with a great hike with Ben.


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