Ben, busy?

These past couple weeks have seemed very busy to me. I started my second job (teaching guitar lessons for the after-school program), and have been in high demand at my IT job. I’m thankful that my two part-time jobs are at the same place! However, I’m not used to the almost-full-time feel and it feels almost overloaded to me. I cannot comprehend how people work 50 hours plus a week!

In addition to my two part-time jobs, I’m also teaching a few private students and finishing up a web project. I also have my hobbies to attend to such as practicing guitar, gaming, and researching house churches (my latest book project). It’s a lot on my plate!

This weekend I decided not to do anything. I haven’t gone out, have neglected hygiene and eating (well not completely), just being lazy and spending time with Jill. We did go out Friday night to a nice restaurant. But it was only a few miles away and we haven’t done much else.

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