What’s Going on?

I was catching up with a friend this morning, and when asked the question, “what’s going on with you”? I struggled with how to answer. Honestly, do mothers of toddlers have much exciting to report? I’ve been playing “bunnies house” a lot…

Of course there are things to report about the family and the children, but there is also opportunity to share on a deeper level. Share recent struggles, share praises….
My thoughts traveled to 1 corinthians 1:31, “Therefore, as the Scriptures say, “If you want to boast, boast only about the LORD.”

In the end, we both chuckled on how sometimes there isn’t much exciting to share as mothers of young children.

This evening, I read this from “Something Beautiful for God”, a story of Mother Teresa’s ministry.

Those who serve like she did “do not tend to have biographies. Biographically speaking, nothing happens to them. To live for, and in others, as she and the sisters of the Missionaries of Charity do, is to eliminate happenings, which are a factor of the ego and the will. ‘Yet not I, but Christ liveth in me,’ is one of her favorite sayings…”

The author asked about her early life. All she could really share was that she had a happy home. But then, “she gave herself to Christ, and through him to her neighbor. This was the end of her biography and the beginning of her life: in abolishing herself she found herself…”

Love her. She is truly inspiring to me.

Alas, thus concludes my deep thoughts for tonight. When I am not playing “bunnies house” I enjoy dabbling in them from time to time… 🙂

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