Letterboxing & TP

The work week has been busy. Not necessarily bad busy, just busy with lots of stuff. Community therapy trips started happening this week. I had an awesome group that I took Letterboxing. Has anyone done this? It was awesome! We got out clues at Letterboxing.org and had lots of fun. I want to some in my own leisure… I’ll have to see what treasures lie in Boxborough… Today I did some errands after work and got some things on my grocery list. Among them was toilet paper, which reminded me of a comedy sketch by Jim Gaffigan, and gave me a smirk on my face as I walked through walmart carring a bulk supply of TP. Check out this video and see why 🙂 I got wind of his funniness through Danielle’s Blog. We can’t get enough! Ben and I could watch this every day and not stop cracking up. Enjoy!

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