IE’s Evil Monopoly

I just realized a few days ago how bad our blog front page looks when you click “Blog” on Internet Explorer. It is too wide and doesn’t include the blog text. I can’t figure out why. It looks great on Safari, Firefox, and any other STANDARDS COMPLIANT browser you load it with.

When you create web pages, you typically have to code for all browsers… and IE, because IE interprets things differently than other browsers. Why? You’d have to ask Microsoft, who makes this horrid browser. This is a pain in the butt for web developers because it takes lots of hours to make your site look good when you have different ways it will be interpreted. You even get companies like Netflix who are so lazy they only code for IE – forcing everyone to use it to use the service. This annoys me.

The problem with just saying, “I’ll just ignore IE” is that it’s usually what people use “out of the box” on their PC’s because of the annoying way Windows is set up. It takes effort to ditch the browser and download Firefox or Safari and make them your “default” browser. If you do, IE gets jealous and makes absolutely sure that you’d like to cheat on it with a much sexier browser.

Until IE is made standards compliant (that is, interprets code the way a browser is supposed to), we web developers are stuck with coding for two different kinds of browsers – those that work, and IE.

For now, since I can’t figure out why IE breaks our blog page, I’ll just encourage everyone to download Firefox or Safari!

Fortunately, these browsers are becoming more and more prevalent:

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