
My options at the current moment are to A: watch a live feed of bombing suspect being hunted down. B: Fold laundry. or C: Blog about our week. I’ll take C for now, and hit the others next!

It has been a unique week here in Massachusetts. Here at the Holts we’ve enjoyed the spring weather that finally made it’s way here. We’ve got a great playground and the sunshine brings the neighborhood kids and their families out of hibernation. Thank you, Hibernol. 🙂

We started the week with a rough case of bronchitis for Alice, but this almost-3-year-old has been a trooper, and we’ve been thankful for good health care access (even at 1 am!)

THe highlight of the week may have been the “train trip”. Though if you ask Alice she will describe it as….” we went out for pizza”! It was a sunny day… new dresses were chosen from the closet…cousins picked us up…and to the train we went! We went two stops down and frolicked in West Concord a bit before our home train. A good time was had. 🙂

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