Big Update

I haven’t blogged in a while, so this will be a bit longer. A lot has been going on in the Holt family, we’ve had a rough couple of weeks. Fortunately it’s not all bad 🙂

1) Last Thursday, my employers sat me down in a meeting and told me that today was my last day for my IT job. This was fairly sudden, but my contract was theoretically temporary anyway (three months) and I had been working there 4-5 because they needed me. They said that they simply didn’t have enough money to keep paying me and had to make cuts. I was strangely fine with this and couldn’t have argued about it anyway. They said they liked me as an employee, so that was nice to hear. I do wish they would have given me a little warning so as not to shock me all in one day. I’m still teaching guitar lessons at the same place and that will continue.

Also, all my work got dumped on my fellow employee. She is a nice older lady who signed on like me for part time. Before I left, she was already working close to full time. Now she will have all my responsibilities and will be swamped I think. I feel bad for her but hopefully the school will realize that another person is needed when they have the money. I tried to leave open doors and left on a good note without burning my bridges.

2) We’ve had some problems with our small group. I won’t go into too many details to avoid hurting people, but this is unfortunate because our small group has been much of our source of personal growth during the past year or so. These problems may result in our having to find another one! As it takes lots of time to develop closeness and intimacy with a small group, we’re not excited about this, but we are prepared. Jill wrote me a nice note this morning and said, “God seemed to give you wisdom this week in being able to look at things and respond.” This is very encouraging, as I am normally bereft of wisdom in matters related to relationships and other people!

Jill and I place a lot of importance on small groups, as church services never seem to personally challenge you or hold you accountable to anything. It’s like… an AA meeting versus a large AA seminar. Both are good for the alcoholic, but it’s in the AA meetings that most of the work, challenges, and growth is seen. In the seminar you can feel anonymous and alone, and never get personally challenged to do anything.

3) I like tinkering with my geek setup. Sometimes that’s my guitar amp and settings, other times it’s my computer setup. A couple weeks ago our small group met on the Hanscomb Air Force Base at one of the guy’s houses, and he had these amazing speakers with a Mac Mini and it looked great. I coveted his speakers 🙂 and when I got home I got the cheapest deal on them I could – around $80 on ebay. They arrived yesterday, and I spent a couple happy hours arranging and setting up. Here’s some pictures of my current geek setup!

Lights off (using some Christmas lights for orange accenting, the blue is LED rope lights attached to my amp)

Same thing, with lights on

The subwoofer is transparent, a nice touch!

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