
Jill and I had a good Thanksgiving. We spent much of it at Jill’s parent’s house. Ed and I got some card games in (we play Magic when we can). Last Friday I had my friends Will and Ryan over for some games too – see I can be social!

Yesterday I went grocery shopping. I figured since I’m not working much at the moment I should help out if I can around the house with errands and chores. I really stink at this since I’m not very self-motivated. Anyway, somehow I got myself out the door to grocery shop. I was kind of hungry and thirsty, which is a bad idea when you go grocery shopping – you spend more than you mean to. But then again, we hadn’t gone in about a month for groceries.

I was curious, so I asked DrBuck (our home-grown financial software) how much we spend on groceries. Our category on groceries includes everything food-related except going out to eat, which is entertainment. Here’s what I found:

Holt Grocery Spending

So apparently we spend an average of $200 per month on food. That’s more than I thought. One reason might be that our local store tries to be rather “gourmet” even though it’s just your average grocery store. Their prices are a bit high. We could just drive to a cheaper one, but it’s closer and more convenient.

I splurged and got whole milk, which I love. Jill and I normally compromise on milk – she likes that nasty 1% or skim stuff (which, incidentally, tastes like water with white food coloring), and I like whole milk. So normally we get 2%. Jill likes whole milk but she doesn’t like that it is less healthy. But I figured since I was shopping I could get whole milk once 🙂

So now I’m drinking a nice glass of it and savoring the fat, cholesterol, and creamy taste. This made me miss when I was a wee lad and had milk delivered to our door in the morning. Everyone did! They don’t do this any more, which I miss. Fresh whole milk delivered to your door tastes great!

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