I Met Jesus in Worcester

Really, I did.  Our jury had an hour break for lunch, so I took a long walk around Worcester.  I walked through the WPI campus feeling depressed about the city.  There are so many lonely, messed up people there who need God, you can see it everywhere.  It’s quite sad. I don’t feel superior or anything, just sad for everyone. Add to this the run-down appearance of so many buildings, trash everywhere, and cases we’re hearing in court (federal cases involving stuff I can’t talk about), and you have a very bleak picture of Worcester. Why do I take walks then? Exercise and fresh air, I guess, although the latter is debatable. It’s also nice to talk to God about what he thinks of the city too. It just gets depressing to me at times. Some people love cities. It’s an emotional strain to me to even walk around one.

Anyway, while I was walking back to the courthouse, I got accosted by a “homeless” guy asking for change. I didn’t give him money (I learned about this on a previous walk by being gullible) but I did offer to get lunch with him, so we walked down to a small shop and I bought him a soda and we chatted for a bit. He said his “street” name was Jesus. I didn’t have a street name, so we decided that Isaac would be ok for me. We talked about propaganda, women, and court – in a sort of disjointed sort of way. I had fun while being nervous at the same time.

It’s funny, homeless beggars are some of the only people in Worcester that talk freely to others. Everyone else seems to ignore each other. Friendly nods, a soft “hello”, or a smile are usually ignored by people passing right by you. At least Jesus noticed me 🙂

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