Coding Like a Monkey

I’ve been coding like crazy the past two days since I started the migration. My CPU has been working very hard copying thousands of emails to the new IMAP server, FTP’ing hundreds of megabytes over several connections, and of course running all my coding programs. I even maxed out the server processor a few times today and it shuts down your entire site for a few minutes every time you do this.

Today I fixed more of theholtsite including DrBuck (was up until 3 AM last night doing this) and gallery (importing the albums into Gallery 2 met with complications). DrBuck is a huge Perl script that needed lots of configuration and about five modules downloaded from CPAN and installed. Then I had to download Ploticus (open source graphing program DrBuck uses) for the Linux OS and install that. Then hours of debugging and I finally got it working. I fixed the contact page by modifying the PHP mail() command to the new server specs.

I also transferred my other current domains to the new server today. I had to change name servers to point to the new server, then set up accounts for addon domains, and finally copy all the files via FTP. This will take more configuration/debugging due to CGI scripts or PHPBB forums not working or permission issues etc.

I’ve been doing this stuff so much, I haven’t even played Warcraft the past two days. Yep, you read that correctly. My processor is needed for other tasks and my brain is spinning with code. This stuff is very fun, don’t get me wrong. It’s just a different kind of fun. It’s geek fun.

I did have a nice date with Jill tonight. We watched a British mystery show set in the WWII era. I made her a candy cane cosmo, a drink she loves.

Click here for a picture of my desktop at 2 AM this morning!

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