More Geekiness

More coding this week! Since the last time I bored you all with my geeky pursuits, I’ve uploaded everything to the new server, fixed all of my important scripts, upgraded/installed/configured the newest version of Gallery (and embedded it in our site), migrated my other domains (name servers, files, CGI scripts), and researched my backup approach. I have 600 GB of theoretical space on the server, so I figure I might as well use it. Fortunately, the server has rsync installed, so I just modified my current backup script to use SSH.

Still to do: Clean out and sell my server (Jill’s iMac), set up Jill’s new laptop, Gallery upload scheme for easily importing pictures from iPhoto, finish uploading backup files.

Last night I met with Nate Daman, who’s getting married in a hundred some days (I get to be in his wedding!). He gave me his old, broken laptops to work on! One is an iBook I gave him about a year ago, which was given to me by my friend Scott Pittman, which was given to him by his friend who left the country. The battery/power supply is busted on this one. It booted up fine but if I unplug the wire it dies immediately. So it’s not going anywhere.The other computer is Nate’s old Powerbook G4, which is still a great machine. The power supply in this one caused the hard drive to die. I remember Nate coming over and I miraculously recovered 90% of his data before it was gone for good by a combination of Disk Warrior, tilting the computer on its end (really), and target disk mode. Anyway last night I drove by Nate’s parents house and picked these two up and worked on them. I felt uber nerdy as I was updating/uploading/working the processors of all three computers in one room at the same time. The Powerbook’s disk is still in trouble:

This is not a good sign – it means failure is imminent! I did get 10.3 installed and even updated and it seems to be working fine, but I bet it konks on me soon. So I bought a new hard drive and will try to install that myself. Hopefully this will fix it, but there’s still a possibility of the power supply needing replacement. Some pix:

Updating two laptops…

…while Sarah watches

All three on my desk! Amazing that they all “work”.

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