Ben Update

Neither of us has blogged in a while!  I have a few things.  Lessee.

We owe around $3,000 in taxes (again) this year. I hate taxes. Every year I claim my guitar lessons and every year I get hammered. It’s not fun when you’re self-employed. This year I even had a couple thousand dollars worth of deductions in mileage and such, but apparently it wasn’t enough. I don’t make that much, so this is crazy. Do me a favor and don’t vote for anyone that would increase taxes!

I also joined a band this month. I advertised online and was contacted by a couple projects in the area, which I was surprised at. I auditioned with a band in Hudson and they liked me, so I’m kinda doing that now. They are acquainted with the gigging life and know people in Boston etc. So at some point we’ll probably be doing that! The style is acoustic-rockish – Jill described it as good dancing music.

Finally, I’ve been helping out with Young Life club again. The last time I was a leader was four years ago – I know this because I know several of the seniors. I remembered them being freshmen when I was a leader! I also know a few of the kids from when Jill and I used to go to Trinity church – they are families Jill grew up with and we have known the kids from an early age. One kid, Rachel, used to jump up at me and try to steal my hat on Sundays like eight years ago. Now she’s in high school! For the first time in my life I felt like the old guy in the group.

Right now I’m just helping out with guitar playing at club. One of my students from years ago, Shane, will be helping me play. I really respect all the YL leaders who forge relationships with kids, lead and organize club, go to camp in summers, pray for kids, and spend hours just hanging out at schools watching sports or talking with students. I’m not cool enough to do this, but I wholeheartedly support what Young Life does, so hopefully just being on the sidelines and “being there” is a help to the great leaders and committee members.

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