Painting, Quilting, Tarting…

Not many things are better than a night of having pizza delivered. BUT, here’s one! Making an easel out of your pizza box! Perfect. 🙂 We just inverted ours and put 2 small holes in it to put a string through. Win!

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Thanks to Ben and his read aloud skills I have been able have Enders Game and Enders Shadow read to me as I finished up two quilts! One for Alice’s reconstructed from two crib quilts I made for her as a babe. Once they outgrow those itty beds those quilts are not so useful. So, I combinded the two into one. Yay to be useful again!


This second quilt finally got put together after 3 years of collecting old pants! Most of these pants had their knees blown out from early motherhood. I hate tossing anything. The result? A pants quilt!


We enjoyed trying out this recipe for HOMEMADE POPTARTS. That’s right. Usually I run the other direction when I see anything about making pastry crust. But homemade pop tarts? How could I run? We embraced this one and were very pleased with the results. Modifying it into a tart was even better 😛

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And a shot of this girl and her reading selections for yesterday. She is STILL choosing “The Great Mouse Detective”! We’ve been reading this one steady since the summer of 2012.


When not reading detective stories, and be found shenaniganning with her Dad. Did I make up that word? I like it! 🙂


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