Starving & Updates

Jill and I haven’t been to the grocery store in weeks. We’ve been busy and lazy and just haven’t gone yet. If you’re looking for a way to clean out your kitchen, we highly recommend this method. You know that old bag of half-used marshmallows sitting in the back of your cabinet, or the can of mushroom soup you never got around to using? When you’re hungry and looking for a midnight snack, and there’s simply nothing else readily available, this kind of stuff starts to look good.

Jill has been creative in using up our remaining ingredients. In the process we’ve cleaned our cabinets of all but the oldest and least useful condiments. We’ve eaten old pistachios, lots of pasta, crackers, peanut butter, chocolate chips, plain rice, etc. Jill made a whole pan of brownies last night. Perhaps not-so-miraculously, by lunch time they were all gone.

The Holts highly recommend laziness, hunger, and culinary creativity as a method to clean your kitchen.

Jill was sick last week with the bug that was going around (it makes you sick for weeks like mono). Now I am getting it. Ugh. Fortunately, this weekend has been very low-key and restful for both of us.

I updated our pictures page. Jill decided that she didn’t like the look, so I spent a couple hours re-integrating a new Gallery theme into the site design. We both think it looks pretty good now. There’s a new Ben & Jill album of the “Best of 2008”.

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