Vacation Week

Jill and I have had off this entire week. It’s great to spend time together and not have much planned. We’ve gone out a couple times.

Today we met with our pastor Jed and talked about church stuff, which was encouraging. I am a critic, analytic, and visionary, so chats like that are helpful. I like theorycrafting about the perfect church and how it would look. I am glad that Jed appeases my critical and adamant views and really listens.

We saw the Ben Stein movie “Expelled” which I thought was very well done. It was a documentary about how Darwinist and evolutionary dogma is being exclusively presented as the only truth in schools and other areas of scientific research. Apparently people have been fired over this issue – for simply saying that Intelligent Design has scientific merit. I thought the focus on scientific research was definitely in order – evolution and Darwinism are merely theories that haven’t been proven, and thus are still up for debate. Teaching or limiting oneself to just one view is like making fun of Columbus for positing that the world is round. It seemed that the Darwinists were more likely to be close-minded about Intelligent Design than other scientists. I also liked the touch about how Darwinism as a doctrine can lead to Nazi-type thinking. Even the US had many thousands of people involuntarily sterilized as a result of our Eugenics program. I can see how this link is a stretch and that many people will criticize the movie for including this, but to me it was ok (mostly because I agreed with it).

We also took a nice walk this week in the conservation land near the Freedom Farm. I used to live there before we were married and Jill used to be a counselor at the summer camp that uses the land, so we know the trails well. This is the first week where things are starting to bloom and green is emerging all over. You can see some pictures from our hike here.

This week has flown by and it’s like being retired! Maybe we will retire at 40.

Oh yes, Jill went grocery shopping and got lots of food, so we aren’t starving any more. In case you were wondering.

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