Poverty Feast

Tonight our student group at church put on “Poverty Feast” and evening of dinner and time to raise awareness of world hunger. It was such a well done event! The night was designed to be reflective of the world. As such, the main course was rice and beans, but 5 lucky people were chosen to eat at the fancy table and have a 5 course meal. I was one of these lucky ones!

I was most impressed with the teens. They are participating in the 30 hour famine and have each set a goal of raising $500 and each took turns sharing why they chose to participate and what the fast meant to them. They were so inspiring! Over 85% of the world’s population live below the poverty line and here in America we easily forget this and whine when we don’t have the latest ipod or not enough clothes. I was so impressed with these teens and their own self-awareness and vision.

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