New Post from Ben!

Well, hello there, blog. I have been neglecting you, haven’t I? You’ve just been sitting here pining for your creator, and I’ve been ignoring you for months. At least Jill has been keeping you fed with family outings and Alice updates!

My blogs are often outpourings of ideas that I just have to share, and these thoughts often stay in my head until they are ripe for discussion. We introverts can have entire conversations in our heads, forming ideas and theories and mulling them over for weeks or years. I haven’t had the inspiration to share any of these on here in a long time.

Also, I’ve learned that I’m a very “in the moment” kind of person. The other kind of blog, where you update people on what you did yesterday or last week, doesn’t often make the cut for me. If you ask me what I did yesterday, I’ll probably furrow my eyebrows and have to think hard to remember. I just don’t really think about it much. Maybe it’s a bad memory (short and long term) or maybe I just don’t care – it’s now now. Why talk about tomorrow or yesterday?

But sure, things have happened lately! I joined another cover band, have been teaching Bible stuff to neighbors/friends, have been biking a lot, and just made a new 3-gallon batch of strawberry mead. I’m playing a bunch of Shadowbane lately, it’s back from the dead! For the past two days Alice and I have read books in a tree. I played volleyball tonight. My sister is coming to visit this weekend, and we’re going to Maine with church in a couple weeks. I keep trading around guitar/music gear. Jill and I have had some lovely dates lately. I just started reading her The Idiot today. There, consider yourself updated 🙂

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