Tony’s Party & Open Mic

Tony and Shannon have been our friends for a while now. They used to live in the same town as us, and they were our closest geographical friends. Then they moved to Framingham and we were mad. But sometimes we still get together to play music, watch MST3K episodes, craft, eat dinner, or discuss and debate the Bible or various ideas. We’re very similar to them (although Tony is much cooler than me) and we like hanging out with them.

Today we went to Tony’s birthday party. There were quite a wide array of people there and there was music too – sort of an open mic atmosphere in his living room. Jill and I played a few songs:

1) After Hours – Velvet Underground
2) Won’t You Be My Neighbor – Mister Rogers
3) Candy – Jazz standard from 40’s

We did well! Here’s a couple pictures too (unfortunately none of Jill since she took them both).



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