
This morning Alice and I read about Jesus healing the lepers. He heals 10 lepers and 1 comes back to thank him. The book, “Jesus Calling”, comes with a little message of something Jesus would say personally. It said:

“I love hearing you thank me. Try to count all the blessings I give you. A thankful heart will keep you close to me.”

Then I get this facebook tag to do a Gratefulness Challenge. I Don’t often sign on for FB chains, but why pass up an opportunity to be thankful? I do find it to be true that when I am focusing on being thankful for a given situation that it is much harder to complain amidst it. I will take the challenge from my dear friend Theresa, but I will do it blog style. 🙂


“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever”. Psalm 136:1.
That is the verse we had *just* read from our book!


Thankful for a joyful blast from my past with re-stumbling upon this vanagon collection. 🙂


Thankful for antiboitics. Alice has been sick several days with a fever, etc. In the end we got “the pink stuff” for an infection. I wondered what mothers did before this magical buubble gum flavored yumminess existed. Then Ben and I watched a documentary on infections resistent to antiboitics. Really interesting. Thankful to have medicine that is helping bring this little back to her chipper self!


Thankful that despite waking up each on our own at 5:30 am, we have energy for the day. I couldn’t get back to sleep, and the cat was meowing to get into Alice’s room. I thought… I will quietly crack it and let the cat in… and when I opened the door the light was on and Alice was up doing a puzzle! Amazingly, we are not tired… carpe diem!


Despite that energy, yes, we did just watch Land Before Time. And, this is our cheezy one, but we are so thankful that Littlefoot found his grandparents!! Ohhhh! 🙂


The joy of a gift. Even if it says “Non” instead of “Mom” the love behind it was big. Inside was a colored ice cream and a precious stick of gum. Combined with the joy of drying crafts for a big win. 🙂



We live in a beautiful place. Ben took this picture (up in a tree!) after taking a nice bike ride to Prospect Hill in Harvard . These summer days we do a lot of biking all three of us and love the beauty around us.


We had the BEST mango this morning! Every time I have a mango I think of my sweet sister-in-law Iraida who taught me the best way to slice and enjoy a mango. Thanks Iri! 🙂


Love this serious face of Alice’s. This morning she wanted some cookie dough to work with. She worked hard and intently for quite some time. Love watching her learn and use creativity!


We will be leaving for Maine bright and early and be there for a few days. So, I am only making this a 4 day log. BUT, I know we will be thankful for….

The hammock on Grammy Hansen’s porch. 🙂

Alice can’t wait to play with her Hansen cousins!

The beauty and the lake and the water fun… Here we come!

Peace out bean sprout. 🙂

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