Nate and Caroline’s Wedding

These past few days have been very social for us. My bestest guy friend ever Nate Daman got married! I got to be in the wedding party, and as such there were several things to attend: Get fitted for a tux, the bachelor party, a cookout, the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner, and the wedding day with lots of pictures, and the reception. It’s quite an event when you’re in the wedding party, I discovered.

The bachelor party was in Boston. First we ate at a restaurant and then we went to a club and played pool, ping pong, and drank beer. I got to meet some of Nate’s good friends from college.

I have to say my favorite of all of those was the rehearsal dinner. There was about fifty people there and it was an intimate time to meet new people. One of the bridesmaids I met that was at our table was exactly like me, kinda funny. Same personality type, same introversion, same everything! There was also a British guy next to me I quoted Monty Python stuff with.

I also got to play the 1Corinthians song that Nate wrote in 2001 shortly before my own wedding. I gave a short speech before it, and Nate introduced it, and we played it together just like old times. Everyone said it sounded great.

The wedding day was very hot (90+ degrees) and us men in woolen tuxedos were sweltering. The ceremony brought tears to my eyes. I was so proud of Nate for his decision in a lady and generally happy for him. We also sang “In Christ Alone” which is probably the only hymn I both love AND know all the words to, and the little chapel was filled with voices.

Nate was in my wedding party seven years ago, and he promised to uphold and help my marriage – which he has – even while not being married himself! Now it’s my turn to do this for him as he learns to love and live with his bride.

Click here for lots of pictures from this event!

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