Cellphone Plans and Weather

Today’s rant is about cell phone companies. A couple of things I can’t stand about them:

1) Commitments. “I’m sorry sir, but you can’t shop at the other grocery store because you signed a two-year contract with us!” Imagine if every business worked like this! We wouldn’t take it. But cell phone companies seem to make us unwillingly loyal. Any company that makes me sign a contract to stay with them immediately loses my business once the contract is up.

2) Bad customer service. Hold for five minutes, then speak with someone who barely speaks your language? I especially hate the myriad of menus that they make you speak through.

3) Expensive services. I’m cheap. The lowest price plan I was able to find for Jill and I was over sixty dollars a month. Ick. What about some basic plans for the rest of us?

I’m sure there’s more, but that will do for now. I did find this site today, which professes to have cheap cell phone plans and services – we could cut our bill almost in half with them. And no commitments! Once my contract is up, I will seek them out post haste.

Finally, the weather has been very very hot lately. Here’s a picture of a couple days ago:


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