Holt Happenings

What’s new? This is always a difficult question for me to put my finger on. But I enjoy telling it in picture/blog style…

This week were studying the FOX and the letter X, so what better a week to visit Animal Adventures! They have great animals, and great groupons. Can’t be beat! They had a little arctic fox inside as well as two red foxes outside. They were cute, but this little monkey melted a certain 4 1/2 year olds heart.

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Ben has been preparing his talk at Mom to Mom about the 5 love languages. Alice must be taking it all in by osmosis, for she made me this lovely “set-up” on her own, a spot to sit with toast and tea and a lovely book. 🙂
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Here is a birthday party we had for some little critter… And Alice sporting her Pioneer Girl sash with first badge! 🙂

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