On Healing

A little blog on healing because it’s been on my mind lately. Ben led a study a while back on God’s will and on prayer, and since then it seems like it’s been an ongoing topic of conversation and thought. The Bible says in James 5 that “the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well”. But also that “when he asks, he must believe and not doubt…”

After examining my own heart and faith I find that I actually struggle with doubt and believing in miracles and healing. Sucky realization, but good in the humility department and just for awareness. Thankfully, it is the faith of others in the church community who can do the praying in faith which leads to healing.

I was able to experience this first hand a couple of weeks ago. At our little Sunday night fellowship/House church thingy we were discussing this topic and how it might seem like God doesn’t do big things like this because his people don’t ask in faith and expectation. Now, I had been experiencing a few weeks of, lets just call it, stomach discomfort, and that evening was having pretty stinko cramps and pain. So, I felt the nudge to mention this and share my struggle with faith in healing. It ended up that friends felt like they wanted to pray over me for healing, and in their words, eyes, hearts and everything they absolutely knew God could do it, and would do it. The rest is history, I guess. I haven’t had any pain since.

For me it has been amazing in many ways, for healing, and for my faith and learning about and experiencing God’s promises and faithfulness, and the importance of close fellowship.

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