Consumerism & Christmas

Stores are already putting Christmas stuff up!

Why do you think this is? Stores want you to buy things, of course – and getting everyone into the “Christmas spirit” (whatever that means) early ensures that you will buy more! Christmas has sure become a consumerist holiday in our country. Think about the guilt you would feel if you didn’t buy anyone anything this Christmas. Isn’t that horrible? When did celebrating Jesus’ birthday turn into such a day focused on gifts that we feel *guilty* about not buying things?

But as much as I could rant about this, it’s merely a symptom of a greater problem. The problem is that we’re a consumer nation! The following site has a really neat video on the whole system of consumer goods from start to finish. It’s 20 minutes long, but very educational!

I especially like the part about the “work -> spend -> watch” cycle. It’s sooo true! We go to work all day to “pay the bills” right? That’s what everyone tells me. But those “bills” are usually extra expenses we take upon ourselves. Why? The result of advertisements and pressure that says we “need” these things.

Jill and I got rid of our TV about a year ago. We still have the capacity to watch TV on the computer if we want, but I don’t think either of us has watched anything in months. For me, it’s been about a year since I saw anything on TV. Now, before I sound all cool, I spend plenty of time on the computer. But there’s less ads, and I think Jill and I have a more healthy view of spending than we used to?

I’m definitely in favor of a good work ethic (what does this really mean anyway?) and generosity through gift giving and buying things we want. Those things are great. But when we become a slave to these things – and our nation has – then there’s a problem.

Anyway check out that video and tell me what you think.

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