Mondo Website Design

These past few days I have barely touched a computer game of any kind. That’s odd for me as gaming is one of my favorite downtime activities. I’ve been designing websites instead! Unlike my last design, these aren’t for pay… at least yet.The first one is for our emerging band, Sugar Road. Ryan, Hannah, Jill and I (all people from our small house church) just love playing music together, and we’re all pretty talented at what we do best. We’ve played out a couple of times at a coffee shop in Framingham so far, and based on the feedback we’re getting, it could be much more than that. Anyway, check out the new site:

The other one I am revamping is my guitar lesson page. I was inspired by this teacher’s website and borrowed many of his ideas for mine. I’m hoping people find me through the web or check out the site as a result of a business card or ad. I need to start plastering ads in public… Here’s the site so far, I’m almost done!

Tell me what you think of the new designs!

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