Wisdom From a 6.9 Year Old

Today at my Mom’s house my nephew Matthew was showing off his newly earned bag of M&M’s that he scored. Only moments later, though, I saw him in the dining room walking around the table placing 2 M&M’s at each place setting. He explained that he was giving 2 to everyone at lunch today. 🙂 I complemented him and told him what a good role model he is. I told him that adults have trouble sharing things that they love, or things that God has given them, with others. He’s very inspiring! Just imagine what wisdom he will have in 2 weeks when he turns 7!

In relation, Ben and I have each been reading this book, Money, Posessions, and Eternity. It is a fantastic book that causes one to look at their possessions, generosity, and motives around money. It is really making me think.

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