
I’ve been very busy the past two days.  On Friday, I started my new job substitute teaching at the middle school in Acton.  I taught seventh grade math and it wasn’t that bad!  The kids all listened to me, and a few even thought I was geeky enough to deserve the epithet “cool” (because I knew Weird Al songs).

Then right after school I went to the Devens Community Center to help set up for the Young Life banquet.  I volunteered to run sound this year and play guitar.  It took a few hours to get everything there and set up the huge PA system and all the wires and such.

Then on Saturday after my lessons we had to go early to set up the rest of the stuff for the banquet.  Eric Wilder of Trinity church helped me a lot and let me use his MacBook, which was WAY better than the PC I would have had to use otherwise.  He helped me set up parts of the sound too.

The banquet was great – we saw people we hadn’t seen in years.  Jill gave a short speech and we both sang a song in front of 200 people with Katie Enlow.  Jill and I were there from about 3-10, and I have been sick the past couple days, so we were exhausted by the time we got home.  Fortunately today was the Sabbath – a day to just relax and enjoy.

PS I’m going through our pictures and restructuring how it looks.  We weren’t updating frequently enough to warrant so many albums, so hopefully the simplified structure will be easier to update and navigate.

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