Let’s Get Physical

This is the 400th post since our WordPress blog started!  I know we’re not prolific bloggers, but we’ve been doing it a long time I guess.  We have older blogs from previous versions of our site that you can see here.  It has posts since 2003.  I’ve been keeping a personal website since 1999 back when geocities was popular. You can see many previous versions of our site here.

Jill and I start karate again tonight after a long absence.  There’s a place down the road that is very cheap and very close to us.  The style is Kenpo, although with a different teaching style than our other school.

We’ve been looking for something physical to do for a while.  In the past year we’ve signed up for recreational volleyball and indoor soccer, and loved both.  But the sign-ups for the next season aren’t happening for a while, and we both feel like we need to get some exercise.

I have also been doing a nightly exercise regimen before bed for about a year now.  20 pushups, 20 situps, and 5-10 pullups.  It’s not a lot, and it’s not aerobic, but it’s regular – I’ve only missed about five days since I started last November.  I figure that’s 7,200 pushups/situps and 1,800 pullups that I wouldn’t have done otherwise.  Jill swears she can tell the difference in how I look (and likes it), but I’m not sure.  Sometimes I think I can, and sometimes it doesn’t seem very noticeable.

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