Gear and Gigs

Well, I finished my rack-mounted rig, and very soon after decided to sell the whole thing and get a floor-based pedal setup.  I just can’t seem to be content with the gear I have yet!  This decision was mostly because of the weight of a full 6-space rack unit, which is hard to lug around.  I’m kind of new to a pedal setup and I really hope I like it.  I sure hope so after all the money it costs to switch!  I’ll publish all the new gear after it gets here and I set stuff up.  I will miss all the gear I’ve collected – the Tech21 PSA-1, TC Electronics G-Sharp, and the ISP Decimator Pro Rack G most of all.

I also recently traded in my Les Paul Studio!  Yeah, I know.  Several friends said they had known me playing that guitar since they knew me, and I felt a bit nostalgic about it too.  But there was a guy on Craigslist that was trading TWO guitars for a Les Paul, and I was intrigued.  I’ve had my LP almost since I started playing, probably since 1996 or so, and it was a bit rough around the edges.  Also I was looking for something lighter.

So this guy traded me two guitars worth a combined total of more than my LP would sell for used.  He just loves LPs, and so it was worth more to him than the other two he had.  Here’s what I got (both in very new condition and with hardshell cases):

Ibanez Iceman IC400

Hagstrom Ultra Swede

The Hagstrom resembles my LP, but it’s lighter and much newer than mine was.  Very shiny!  The Iceman was waaay too metal for me and I wasn’t very comfortable playing it.  So I sold it and bought this:

Ibanez S320

This new one came in the mail last week, and I love it!  Sounds and looks great, and I wanted an electric with a floating bridge.  I finally have two great-looking electrics that are very fun to play!

Finally, Sugar Road is playing this weekend at Panache in Framingham at 7:00.

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