I discovered REFIT this summer and found a form of fitness that was FUN and that I wanted to do…not something that felt like a chore or was laden with guilt. The choreography is so much fun that you won’t realize what a great workout you are getting! 🙂

I know that many other women feel similarly about fitness and have trouble finding a form of fitness that works for them. There is often guilt, depression and health issues tied in with this. This is one reason that I have wanted to share REFIT with women like you! You are worth the workout!

If you are in the greater Acton, MA area…Bolton, Stow, Boxborough, Hudson, Harvard ….come try a class out! I don’t show up on the REFIT website website becuase I didn’t pay the extra, but I certainly do have classes!! There aresn’t very many in Massachusetts… REFIT was founded in Texas and it has taken a bit of time to travel up north. But, such a great program! Classes are at Ginas Studio in Boxborough on Wednesday mornings and sometimes other days during the week. Classes are also at Trinity Church in Bolton, alternate Wednesday nights. And, upcoming classes are being scheduled for Grace Baptist in Hudson!

Most of my up-to-date info can be found on my FB page – REFIT with jill Contact me for any more info! 🙂


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