Hacked, Quote Door, Pedalboard

Last night I was hacked again. I’m not sure how these Turkish people are getting in, but I have my suspicions and have tried to fix them. Thanks for letting me know Dave and Julie! Fortunately, it was the same attack as the last time, and I could fix it pretty quick. I’m hoping some updates to my site fixed the problem, but we’ll see.  For now, I’m not integrating our blog into the rest of our site, so it’s pretty blah, but oh well.

Jill and I created a quote door today. I have long wanted to turn some wall into a place where I could spam my favorite quotes to the world, but a whole wall was not Jill’s cup of tea. So today Jill got some markers and I went to town. First, a picture of the previous boring white door:

Now, the new quote wall!

Neat, huh?

Also, for you guitar nerds, here’s my latest pedal board setup (subject to change any time, like as soon as I’m done blogging here).  I got a “Milk Box” DOD compressor in the mail today, been playing with that.

I have it routed as follows:

Guitar -> Compressor -> Overdrive/Distortion/Tone Box -> Noise Reduction -> Volume Pedal -> Delay/Verb/Mod effects

I took the LEDs off my amp and put them UNDER the board, so it’s like a pimped out pedalboard that glows blue underneath.

I also ordered another 1×12 cab, so I’ll have some cool stereo sound and enough wattage to wake neighbors a few houses down.

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