Our Church

Rumors have been flying around New England. What is this new-fangled church thing that Ben and Jill host? Is it a cult? Do they sacrifice small animals? What do they believe? Are they 20-something rebels wearing leather and riding motorcycles? Do they have tatoos? Decoder rings? And the most important question of all: Can I join them?

Well, due to the massive influx of email, snail mail, carrier pigeons, and telegrams asking these questions and more, I decided to address my adoring public.

Rather than summarize the epic adventure that has become our church on this blog, I spent one morning during the wee hours making a whole new site documenting our progress, humble beginnings in a small shoebox, betrayals, murders, weddings, heroic deeds, and so on. I’ve gotten approval from the rest of our members saying that, yes, what I wrote *is* crazy but ok to share. Here is the site:


Therein lies the reasons why I wanted to start a house church and how it’s been going since last summer. I love talking about this subject, so if you have more questions and want to chat about it, send your owl to our chimney.

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