Jill is a Party Animal

A couple of nights this week I cranked up the new speaker (which is a 400 watt PA) with some dance tunes to kind of test it out.

Immediately following, a strange and feral creature emerges from its den. Wide-eyed and with foaming maw, it belches forth a savage cry and leaps into our living room – and starts dancing!

My wife had transformed into some kind of party animal who resembled those one frequently encounters at a junior high school dance. She started doing karate moves, dancing, giggling, and shuffling around in the queerest way.

It’s amazing what music will do to a wife. If you have one, and think you know her well, try turning on some 80’s dance music and see what happens! Unlike the modest, composed, and dignified specimen of female companionship with whom I had hitherto been well acquainted, Jill was going nuts and didn’t even care when I took pictures:

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