Under the Bridge

I haven’t posted in a while, so here’s a brief update.

The last three weeks have been cold (for summer) and rain. In the last three weeks there have been two days of sun.  So that’s been minorly depressing. I wait all year for Summer and like it to be about 80 and sunny all the time so I can soak up enough sun to last all winter. Also Jill and I quit karate for the summer so we could play volleyball (local church) and ultimate frisbee (local pick-up league), and we haven’t been able to do either in about a month.

Other than that, we’re enjoying our Summer work schedules, church, and hanging out together a lot. Today we played nerf, picked black rasberries, read, smoked, and ate together. Other days we hack, ride bikes, hike, or play computer games together. I love that Jill only works about 10-15 hours in the Summer!

The other day we did a silly little recording of “Under the Bridge” using vocal transformers in Logic.  Jill is the high voice and I’m the low voice. Click here to listen.

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