Fisher Cats!

I stopped by 445 Sugar Rd. this week only to see my mother in the driveway with a shovel and plastic grocery bag in hand. What’s this? Oh, nothing… just preparing to go scoop up a dead fisher cat baby from off the side of the road!! Go Mom! So, I went down with here and saw a fisher cat up close and personal. He was a cute little baby, but I know that it is only a matter of time until he tries to eat my cats. Maybe they’re related to ALF?

Fisher cats are funny. In junior high my Dad started talking about them, finding evidence of them in our nearby conservation land, and blaming them for Spooky’s death! Bless your soul Spooky. It was a bit like an urban legend. No one had ever heard of one… except my Dad! 🙂 Good ol’ fisher cats. This spring I did see my first one crossing the road in Boxborough. But, this little dead baby was the first one I really got to check out.


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