Christmas Season

Even introverts sometimes become busy during near Christmas.

This past couple weeks I was involved in a local high school’s musical “Zombie Prom”. There was a week of practices and then four performances. I played in the “pit”. There was a lot of music to learn which also took hours of practice. I met a few cool people – Talia, Tom, and a couple of high school boys who played with us (both excellent musicians and fun to hang out with).

Last night a few of us went to a live Rifftrax event with Ryan, Jeremy, and Jesse. It was hilarious. Weird Al made an appearance too. Jill and I were almost constantly laughing.

Sugar Road will be playing December 30th, details on our website.

Our great friends Nate and Caroline are also in town, and this Friday we’ll be going out with a couple other new friends. Tuesday was the Young Life committee party at Katie’s house in Waltham. Tonight is volleyball.

Saturday we’re going KAZAROLING! Email me for details or see our Facebook post about it. For the third year in a row, we’ll be going caroling with kazoos. How many people will slam the door in our faces thinking we’re asking for money? How many odd looks and small children jumping up and down with excitement? Come find out!

Merry Christmas to all if I don’t blog before then 🙂

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