Kazaroling 2009

This was our third year of kazaroling (Christmas caroling with kazoos)! We had lots of fun and laughed a lot. In attendance were Jill, Matt Brench, Ryan Pendleton, Hannah Daman, Jeremy Pendleton, Ellen, Eli, and Nick. We stayed local this year instead of trucking up to Chelmsford or Bolton.

I’d say about half the people we visited were really suspicious of a group of people outside their door. Several people we saw never even came to the door. Either they thought we looked scary or wanted money, but here in New England good old-fashioned caroling is almost never done anymore. I don’t think people know what to say or expect. It’s really sad that we’re so independent and suspicious here that we can’t even open the door for a group of friendly young people spreading Christmas cheer!

Of course, the other people are what makes it all worthwhile. These cheerful folks will come outside in the cold to talk to us and ask us where we’re from and why we’re performing songs for them. There’s the kids who request songs and clap for us. They don’t seem to have any trouble being excited about kazaroling!


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