Weekend purchases

Well, I have had a fun weekend making purchases! I know, couldn’t i wait for a tax free day?…. I really don’t make any high end buys, so it doesn’t matter too much to me. Last night I went over to the Olive Branch Christian Bookstore with some of my young life friends and got some bible study stuff. i bought this really cool magazine/bible called Revolve, it is really cool. Yesterday, I also bought a new camera on ebay b/c ours died on me when I was at young life camp, very sad 🙁 . But, the cool thing is that someong bought the broken one on ebay for the same price i was spending on the new one! excitement! The new one isn’t anything fancy, not as nice as our old fujifilm, but good just the same. So, hopefully i will be able to get some cute ubu/sarah pictures up soon! yay 🙂 So, today was the final shopping day. My mom and I hit Crate & Barrel in Woburn. It is an outlet, and on Saturdays they open up the back warehouse part of the store and there are sales galore. Today i just bought a cute green chair ($10!) used to be $80, so that was exciting. And my smallest purchase of the day was at Panera. They had free samples of the new Passion Fruit bagel, it was yummy, so i took 1 home . mmmm.

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