28 Weeks

Officially in the 3rd trimester! I’m feeling well 🙂 A bit on the bulky side, but good energy level, not sick, not emotional… God’s taking care of us well! I had one more follow up ultrasound this week and things look great. “Bun” weighs about 2.5 pounds and likes to kick me! Surely Ben will have someone else to teach hacky-sac skills to.

We have this little Kermit doll, who little Sarah is scared out of her mind of! But I think it seems like the size of “Bun” at the moment, I even practiced with Kermit as I figured out how to use the babybjorn yesterday. Kermit loves to ride in it. 🙂

Photobooth is great! We have had lots of fun with the special effects and ease of use 🙂 Here’s our emo-look-like-harry-potter’s-parents photo!

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