Props to the Spirit in the Sky

I’m supposed to tell just one person this week what God has done (and does) for me – it was a challenge from the message last week. Brent said that when we do that, it raises God’s reputation to a place it deserves to be. I guess blogging counts 🙂 Here’s just a small list of stuff I can think of:

1) God forgives me instantly and totally every time I tell him I’m sorry.
2) He’s challenging me to become a better worker/husband/friend/person. Paradoxically, he’s not finished changing me but also loves me just the way I am.
3) He’s given me such a huge amount of stuff. I can’t believe how rich we are.
4) He’s given me the ability to realize (3) and helped me not to be envious of [insert filthy rich person here].

Ok, that’s a VERY short list – the point is to tell you all how awesome God really is.

  1. Blogging doesn’t count! No one reads this, anyway! :p

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