Small Space living

I did a little search for tips about sharing one bedroom with a baby and came upon some great articles. This one from the New York Times was great. Lots of people live this way, just depends on priorities. For us, we value our time together and the low cost of living associated with our mortgage. If we bought a new place, it would mean more income/work required and therefore less time together. Also, with a big home the family can all be in the house, but never actually spending time together. Lastly, the clutter/stuff thing. I think when you have less space you become more intentional on what you buy and bring into the home.

God’s really given us contentment with being here. When we first found out we were expecting we thought (well, more I than Ben) that we’d need to move. But now we’re set up and pretty cozy. Sure, things might become a pain when we actually are a family of three, but we’ll have to just cross that bridge when we come to it. 🙂

Sarah, for one, digs small space living and cramped quarters! 🙂

  1. Tiffany M.

    I am so excited for you! You are almost there!
    I checked out that article.
    I wanted to comment that we have a very big home, yet still share a bedroom with the two year old, and the new baby! Matthew and I love having them close by. With the two year old I worry about him getting up at night and getting into mischief or falling downstairs, and with the baby it lessens the risk of SIDS. We still check on both a few times a night.
    Children do not NEED a ton of stuff. You will probably save even more money by not moving, because you will not have all the space for those crazy expensive baby toys that the baby uses a few times and then you realize it was a waste of money. I would urge you to look on craigslist for gently used items, and every few months or when no longer needed you can sell them for the same price you bought it for, and get something else.
    Then you don’t waste space!
    Good luck!

  2. Jill

    Yes! Thanks Becky. That is a great site!

  3. We enjoy many benefits of living in a small space- even though our 800sqft gets a bit crowded in the winter!

    Have you seen ? They have some great small space inspiration there!

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