35 Weeks

Nearing the end of this pregnancy! AND proud to say that the loft has not yet conquered me! Getting up is easy, it is the whole sleep thing that is the difficult part. 🙂

At work the other day a coworker commented that I looked like I’d “dropped”. Huh, thought I, that’s interesting. But that night I felt like I had to hold my belly up and just felt a bit different in general. So, who really knows, but maybe I’ve dropped! In any case the countdown is on. Here’s me and my volleyball belly.

  1. Tiffany M.

    You look so cute! I miss my round belly! But I love holding my baby, He’s curled up on me right now! Making the cutest baby sounds.

  2. Kerris

    Aww Jill you are looking wonderful! I wonder if you’ll continue to conquer the loft as the final weeks approach…:)

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